Tuesday, November 28, 2006

He'd like to come and meet us but he thinks he'll blow our minds

According to one of these weird photographs taken with a machine I don't understand by a person I've never met before...

It's a boy.

(I don't really understand why I distrust my eyes more than my ears... it's not like the Doppler of the heartbeat would be any harder to fake. But I have to admit a certain reaction of c'mon, now, you expect me to believe something on TV?)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, if they were going to fake it, they'd at least make it a plausible fake, and not something that looks like a pulsating mass of some kind of futuristic substance.

Which, now that I think of it, it is.

(I'm going to get smackings for that. I just know it.)

12:09 AM, November 29, 2006  
Blogger tommyspoon said...

Ok, you had me convinced for a second -- a brief second, mind you -- that you and your lovely wife were expecting a Sasquatch.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. We'd love the little, er, big, tyke all the same.

8:10 AM, November 29, 2006  
Blogger John Burzynski said...

Ah, a boy...I have 3 of those...much preferable to what I have seen of raising girls.

Parental lesson #1, make sure you hold that little thingy down when you end up changing his diaper....

8:32 AM, November 29, 2006  
Blogger TeacherRefPoet said...

You're hairy enough that I thought it plausible you'd give birth to a 'Squatch.

Still, congratulations.

(This is one of those cool situations where you'd get a "congratulations" no matter which gender won out. Cool, those.)

10:55 AM, November 29, 2006  
Blogger Alison said...

I just want to go on record that I am TOTALLY NOT OK with birthing a Sasquatch. Fur is no big deal, but the size... *wince*

10:28 PM, November 29, 2006  
Blogger Joe said...

For the record, TRP, you have only seen the shagginess I wear above the neck. Which has indeed hit some epic proportions. (Michael and Tom would remember...)

However, below the collar it's a different story. How to put this delicately?

Remember the movie Powder?

10:29 PM, November 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, damn. I thought you were having an androgynous rock star with screwed up eyes and screwed down hairdoo.

Let all the children boogie....

Love, Tom

PS: I'm so glad you didn't go with the Who for your subject line. Lord knows I probably would have.....

2:28 PM, November 30, 2006  
Blogger tommyspoon said...

While we're on the subject...

3:51 PM, November 30, 2006  
Blogger Joe said...

I was really, really close on going with The Who...

7:57 PM, November 30, 2006  
Blogger Mick said...

Actually I do that...

And I also tell all women they are pushing well (even when they aren't).

9:22 PM, December 01, 2006  
Blogger Mick said...

(This is Nancy, not Mike) I heartily approve of boys, you know. Not that I'm biased. I can't wait to see how beautiful this one is going to be, considering his parents. I get what you are saying about seeing not being believing. However when he comes out, all the bemusement you are feeling now will be nothing to what your eyes will be telling you -- that this person, here, is the love of your life. Talk about mind-blowing.

9:44 PM, December 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A boy - yay! Well heck, I'd have said "yay" if it were a girl too.

I feel fortunate our first child was a boy. I had never changed a diaper, but I figured I'd at least have half a clue as to what sort of clothing to put on him.

Now stop reading this and go do something spontaneous with your wife, like take a road trip or go out to dinner together, or get some sleep. Have fun "just the two of you," but know that no matter how much fun you're having now, life's about to get even better when it becomes "the three of you."

2:24 PM, December 03, 2006  

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